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Jamie Vardy: From nowhere to becoming the oldest Golden Boot winner

The best present I’ve ever given someone is myself. I’ve given it to everyone: Jamie Vardy. A decade ago, no one had heard of Jamie Vardy. Now, he is on everyone’s lips. Vardy is the most prolific striker in the…

Pune to Camp Nou: Fulfilling a glorious lifelong dream

Ever dreamt of an opportunity to watch your favourite team LIVE at the home ground? It’s hardly an uncommon one with almost every Asian football fan guilty of day-dreaming over the same, at-least once in his/her life. But, what if…

Leicester City’s sublime 2015 triumph will provide inspiration after shocking collapse

In an era when money counts for everything, I think we give hope to everybody: Claudio Ranieri. There is simply no precedent for Leicester City’s astonishing title triumph in 2015/16. No achievement in sporting history has ever been so improbable;…

Bleeding Black in a sea of Blue: The eternal tale of an Indian Black Caps fan

  As MS Dhoni walked back after being dismissed in the WC 2019 semi-final against New Zealand, Indians all over the world let out a collected cry of anguish. A boy in Kolkata however surprisingly started dancing, jumping and screaming…

Andre Schurrle’s early retirement indicates the struggle beyond the riches

“A superb run from Schurrle on the left-hand side as he takes on a couple of Argentinian defenders, and delivers a sumptuous ball into the path of Gotze, who chests and volleys the ball beyond a sprawling Romero from five…